Summery of the content
This play is about the very first day of school for Nina and Jens. Nina asks the older pupils to sing and dance for them. She convinces Jens that there are lots of great things to learn and do at school: painting and making crafts, learning about animals, finding friends and other fantastic things. Now both go joyously and full of expectations into their classroom to greet their new teacher.
Number of rolls and duration of a performance
The “long” version of the play (there is also a “short” version) assigns speaking roles to 8 children and non-peaking roles to 9 children. This number can be reduced by reducing the number of animals/Indians/stars etc. in the individual scenes. The number of scenes with different types of animals/humans/objects on the sky etc. can be reduced too. This has already been done in the “short” version. The duration of a performance of the “long” version is about 25 minutes.
Script long Version 4 pages, short Version 3 Pages , total 17 Pages